While I was on vacation, Richard Bradshaw (@FriendlyTester) had a problem. He was looking for relevant software testing videos e.g. on YouTube to learn something new. However, he always had two problems either the content was bad or just to long. He was looking for great, not so lengthy, software testing videos that explain a certain topic in a couple of minutes to extend his knowledge. The fact that nothing like this was out there on the Internet made him thinking about a solution. In his blog post, Richard mentioned that he was starting to outline and mind map ideas on how to solve the problem on his whiteboard. While drawing and writing on his whiteboard he had the idea to record the drawings and to upload them to an own YouTube channel called “Whiteboard Testing“.
In the first video of the Whiteboard Testing channel, Richard is explaining the idea behind it. The goal is to create a collection of short software testing videos not longer than 10 minutes from various people who want to share their software testing knowledge with others. Have a look at the introduction video: