How to Connect TestProject with BrowserStack

TestProject Integration BrowserStack - Adventures in QA

In my last TestProject blog post, I wrote about the integration of Sauce Labs cloud into the TestProject. Next to Sauce Labs, TestProject offers since release v0.60 also an integration to BrowserStack.

In this rather short article, I will explain what to do in order to connect your existing TestProject tests to BrowserStack.

Getting Started

In order to connect TestProject with BrowserStack, you need to have a BrowserStack account. This is a mandatory requirement before you continue reading with this article.

If you already have a BrowserStack account login to it and go to User Settings (1-2). On the Account page copy the user name (3) and the Access Key (4). You will need both to establish the connection.

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How to Connect TestProject with Sauce Labs

How to Connect TestProject with Sauce Labs - Adventures in QA

In several posts from last year, I wrote about the test automation platform TestProject (Post 1, Post 2 & Post 3) and how easy it is to set up a test automation project. However, in 2019 TestProject was missing the feature to connect to cloud hosting providers such as Sauce Labs or BrowserStack.

The good news is, this has changed. Since TestProject v0.60, you are able to connect your TestProject projects to an existing Sauce Labs or BrowserStack account to execute your test suites in parallel on different devices.

In this article, I will describe how you can connect TestProject with Sauce Labs. In an upcoming article, I will write about the integration to BrowserStack.

Getting Started

In order to connect TestProject with Sauce labs, you need to have a sauce labs account. This is a mandatory requirement before you continue reading with this article.

If you already have a Sauce Labs account login to it and go to User Settings (1-2). On the My Account page copy the user name (3) and the Access Key (4). You will need both to establish the connection.

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TestProject Resources

Adventures in QA - TestProject Resources

In the last article, I wrote about the easy setup of TestProject and what the platform offers to you. If you are interested in using it as well in your project, I took some time and collected a bunch of really useful resources. The resources might help you to kickstart your TestProject workspace and to start testing your Android and iOS app with a single test automation tool.

General TestProject Documentation

TestProject Videos

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Test Automation with TestProject

Test Automation with TestProject - Adventures in QA

In my previous article, I promised to write more about the free test automation platform TestProject. With this post, I will introduce you to the TestProject platform, the setup process of the so-called agent, the rich feature set and more things that make TestProject a special single test automation solution.

Sign-Up and First Steps

Let’s start from the beginning. The sign-up process is easy and takes no more than one minute after you created your account. Right after the first sign in, a wizard offers you a quick five minute tutorial where the initial setup of the TestProject agent is happening. In the first step you need to download the TestProject agent for your operating system. TestProject supports Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

While the download is running, the wizard is providing a short YouTube video, where the next steps are explained once the agent is installed.

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Once the TestProject agent is installed, the wizard asks you to register your local agent by giving it an alias. The alias will be checked and registered. The setup takes some minutes and then the TestProject dashboard is presented.

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