Reading Recommendations # 21

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 21th issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains 8 blog posts and one podcast. There are posts dealing with the topics on how to test for security in the field of Internet of Things, how GroupOn automates app performance with testdroid. Another post is showing the cafe service menu from Stephen Janaway, which I highly recommend to read. There is a nice post about the topic “Please, stop telling testers how to test”. Neil Studd wrote a great article about 9-to-5 software testers. Other posts are dealing with testing the Internet of Things, how to ask good questions as software tester and how often do you really fix a “failing” automated check. And last but not least there is another Testing in the Pub episode dealing with the topic “At Let’s Test 2015”, you should listen to it!

Enjoy reading the posts.

Testing for Security With the Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) places a lot of pressure on security testers to ensure that applications on these appliances are protected from threats.

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People in Testing Q&A with Rudolf Groetz

Rudolf Groetz - Adventures in QAThis time in “People in Testing” I had the chance to interview Rudolf Groetz, who is the founder and organizer of the Mobile Quality Night. Rudolf is Head of QA at JUMIO Inc. with a mobile mindset. He has very good knowledge in the area of mobile testing and especially in mobile test automation. In this interview Rudolf is talking about his current mobile testing challenge, which kind of test automation solution he is using and what is the next big thing in the software development and testing world. Enjoy the interview.

Daniel: What is currently your biggest challenge at work?

Rudolf: For me the biggest challenge at the moment is the ever rising device fragmentation in the mobile world. This problem forces me to constantly adapt our mobile device lab, furthermore I need to check that our app is still working with the latest SDK’s and on new devices our customers are using. For our testing process we are using only physical devices and no emulators or simulators. We have a mobile device lab in our office, if there are devices that are not part of the mobile device lab, we are also using Mobile Device Clouds. Those devices are used for manual as well as automated mobile testing.

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My Testing Sticker

Stickers - Adventures in QA

Since a couple of years every laptop has at least one sticker on its lid. Stickers became very popular in the tech industry and every developer, designer, product manager or software tester has stickers on the back of the laptop. Either to show which company they are working for or which tools they are using or just to decorate them.

I have also several stickers on my laptop lid, mainly mobile related ones. Just yesterday, I had the idea to create my own sticker to spread the word about my book. I came up with 4 versions and I want to ask you guys for some feedback. Three stickers are showing the text “KEEP CALM and Perform Hands-On Mobile App Testing” but every version has some slight differences. The fourth sticker is showing “Eddy”, a bug carrying a mobile device (I draw him myself).

Which version do you like most? Please leave a comment. I am looking forward to them.

And here are the sticker prototypes.

My Testing Sticker

Version 1: Just Text

My Testing Sticker - Adventures in QA


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Reading Recommendations # 20

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 20th issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains 9 blog posts. There are posts dealing with the following topics, how a nasty bug iOS message bug can crash the whole phone by just receiving a message, there is the announcement post for the Google Test Automation Conference 2015 in Cambridge (greater Boston), a post about the real world, a very interesting post about where software testers should go for vacation and why eBay rejects ISO 29119. Furthermore, there is a post from Markus Gaertner why you should attend CAST 2015, how to think like a tester. There is a post about the topic test all or test small and how Atlassian moved from Quality Assurance to Quality Assistance.

Enjoy reading the posts.

iOS bug causes Messages to crash, iPhone to reboot when a certain text is received | 9to5Mac

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Win a Copy of Hands-On Mobile App Testing

Hands-On Mobile App Testing Cover - Adventures in QA

Since May my book is available in the printed edition in different online and offline stores and I got lots of great feedback from readers. Just this week a very cool package arrived with some free copies of my book that I can use to give away to other people. Some of the copies are … Read more