YAATT – Yet Another Android Testing Tool

Thanks to my colleague @the_qa_guy I got the information that there is another test automation tool for Android Apps. The tool is called bot-bot and provide a selenium like test automation for native Android Apps using a capture & replay functionality. The tool is developed by Imaginea and based on the keyword driven approach. bot-bot … Read more

Video: My talk from the Scandinavian Agile Conference is now online

Today, I want to share the video of my talk on the Scandinavian Agile Conference 2012 in Helsinki. The topic was: Mobile App Testing – Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices. Have fun!

Overview of Mobile Test Automation Frameworks

I found a really nice overview about Open Source Mobile Testing Frameworks for Test Automation. The overview was created by Dominik Dary (eBay). In his table he showed how many test automation frameworks are currently available for Android or iOS testing. The complete blog post can be found here: http://www.dary.de/2012/03/open-source-mobile-test-automation-frameworks A big thank you to … Read more

How Netflix test on Android

I found a really nice blogpost on the netflix blog. They describe how they test their app on different Android devices using AndroidNativeDriver and Selenium. When Netflix decided to enter the Android ecosystem, we faced a daunting set of challenges: a) We wanted to release rapidly every 6-8 weeks, b) There were hundreds of Android … Read more

Invited as Speaker to Scandinavian Agile Conference 2012 in Helsinki

Great news! During my vacation I received an invitation as a speaker to the Scandinavian Agile Conference 2012 in Helsinki. My talk will be about mobile testing in general. Stay tuned, I will update this post, if I have more information about my talk and the conference. Please visit the conference page: http://scan-agile.org/ http://scan-agile.org/program/  Here is … Read more