Reading Recommendations # 3

And again, here is the 3rd episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains seven posts about different topics from why you don’t need a bug tracker, testers shouldn’t write code, generic testing personas to a QA mindset. Furthermore, I added the link to the current state of testing survey. Please take your time and … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 2

This week I have new reading recommendations for you. The second issue contains  7 posts about different topics from speaking at and expectations about conferences, real life bugs in the automotive world, qualitative research about coding and software testing. Besides that there is a must read from Jonathan Kohl about designing products for smartwatches & wearables. … Read more

State of Testing Survey 2015

Maybe you remember the state of testing survey from 2013, where software testers from around the world participated to get the current state of the software testing world. In this survey more than 600 software testers answered the questions and made this survey a great success. The results from the last survey can be found … Read more

Responsive Test Automation with the Galen Framework

More and more web page pages are optimized for mobile devices using a responsive layout. With the help of responsive design, the layout of the web page adapts to the different screensize of the mobile device to provide a nice look and feel. A web page that contains lots of pages makes it extremely complicated and time … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 1

As promised, here are the software testing reading recommendations # 1. In this issue I collected 6 posts about different topics from exploratory testing, effective communication for testers, test automation as a person to lessons learned. Enjoy reading the posts.   9 Ways to be Happier at Work in 2015 Author: Tim Leberecht Exploratory Testing is not the … Read more