My Interview on the uTest Blog

A couple of weeks ago the uTest blog started a new series called Authors in Testing. In this series several testing experts have been interviewed about certain testing topics and the book they wrote. There were interviews from Dorothy Graham Peter Kim Lisa Crispin And since today I am also part of this great series and it’s an … Read more

GTAC 2014 Day 2

And here is the second day and video from the Google Test Automation Conference. At the second day there were again talks from Google, Facebook, American Express, Adobe or Comcast. This day was again just great, with great topics and great speakers. Check out the attached video and enjoy the various topics about test automation. Happy Testing!

Hands-On Mobile App Testing is available

It’s done! My book “Hands-On Mobile App Testing” is available since today. Further information can be found here:

Why I wrote this Book

It all started in 2010 when I had the opportunity to work on my first mobile project. The mobile team I worked in was responsible for developing a mobile web app, a native Android app and a native iOS app. This was the company’s first mobile project and a completely new testing environment for the quality assurance department. Together with a colleague, I had the chance to build up a mobile testing strategy from scratch. We evaluated several test automation tools to see which one fits best in our software development lifecycle. At that time, mobile testing tools were few and far between, and at an very early development stage. We then tried several testing approaches and tools. Of course we failed with some of them, but in the end the whole team, the company and our customers were happy.

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Slides from the Mobile App Europe Conference

Today (29/09/2014) is a sad day for me, because  the Mobile App Europe conference in Potsdam/ Berlin has started and I can’t attend because of sickness. I was really looking forward to attend the conference as a speaker and as a attendee, to talk to so many great people from the mobile app business but … Read more

uTest is starting “Tester of the Quarter”

uTest announced a new theme similar to the uTester of the year, it is called Tester of the Quarter. They introduced the program to recognize and to award software testers who participate to the global testing community. If you are a uTester and want to nominate a tester that fits to one of the following categories, submit your nominations here. … Read more