Reading Recommendations # 8

Here is the 8th episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains 7 great posts from topics like “How to Manage Time with People who make stuff”, “Testers need to virtualize”, “Automation Assessment”, “Putting Security into Sprints”, “A few questions to ask upon a bug fix”, “Get out of your comfort zone” and “The role of testers in … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 7

Here is the 7th episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains 7 great posts from topics like why software testers don’t break the software, how a tester can represent a user, how to manage the risks when adding software testers to a project, some information for people who are new to the software testing business. A … Read more

Top 114 Software Testing Blogs 2014

Last week I found out that my blog was ranked 29th of the best software testing blogs of 2014. In total 114 blogs are listed on the page from TestBuffet. I was not aware that my blog was listed there, but it seems that TestBuffet is checking the software testing community and collects valuable sources for … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 5

Here is the 5th episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains five posts from topics like how to interview software testers, quest for testers, a very nice video podcast from OpenSignal about Mobile Sensor Networks. Furthermore, I added a nice post from Stephen Janaway where he wrote about his experiences with a testing bug bash. Last but … Read more

BYOT – Bring Your Own Testautomation

When I first read BYOT – Bring Your Own Testautomation, I thought: What the hell is that? However, after I talked to Rudolf Groetz, I finally got the idea behind this new conference format. Rudolf is the founder and organizer of the Vienna Mobile Quality Crew, a mobile quality focused user group. Besides the Vienna … Read more