Reading Recommendations # 11

Here is the 11th episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains 7 great posts from topics like “Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist?”, “Strong leaders ask for help” to “Replacing QA with 100% automation”. There is a post about the mobile test automation tools KIF and Frank providing pros and cons of both … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 10

Here is the 10th episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains 8 awesome posts from topics like hardware can be agile, how to use games to become a better software tester. There are 3 posts about mobile testing one from the Google Engineer Mona El Mahdy, one from Stephen Janaway and Dan Billing and Edgar L. Furthermore, … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 9

Here is the 9th episode of my reading recommendations. This issue contains 5 great posts from topics about how to customize Jenkins CI and a very nice visualization from Spotify. Furthermore, there is a post dealing with “What is Visual Validation Testing”, how to explore different capabilities and about exploratory testing 3.0 from James Bach and Michael … Read more

Software Testing Interview Questions

In one of my last posts, I wrote about the question “How to Test a Spoon?” and why is this question related to software testers and interviewing them. Today I want to share a webpage with you that is collecting and sharing testing interview questions. The webpage is The author, Esteyaque Ahmed is collecting and sharing … Read more

How to Test a Spoon?

A couple of months ago I stumbled up on a blog post or tweet (Sorry, but I really can’t remember and find it again) about a very funny and interesting software testing interview question. The question is: How to Test a Spoon? This question sounds strange in the first place, but if you think about … Read more