Writing for Mobile-Zeitgeist

Mobile-Zeitgeist Logo - Adventures in QAMaybe some of you, especially the german speaking readers of my blog, have noticed it. I am now writing blog post from time to time also on Mobile-Zeitgeist. Mobile-Zeitgeist is a known german blog about the mobile world which covers topics like mobile marketing, mobile advertisement, mobile commerce, mobile web & apps, mobile markets, mobile solutions, mobile development and any kind of mobile technologies. Besides that mobile-zeitgeist is also providing a mobile job section.

Since years, I am a reader of this blog and in the beginning of this year I thought, why not writing for them to add some mobile testing topics to this great blog. I contacted Heike Scholz, who is the creator of this blog and she really liked my commitment to contribute to the blog.

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Cloud Test Lab by Google

Cloud Test Lab Google - Adventures in QA

Google is going to launch a new product called Cloud Test Lab which will be available this summer for developers and testers within the Google Play Developer Console. Google will provide the twenty most popular Android devices from around the world that can be used to test your app on real devices. Besides that, there … Read more

Reading Recommendations # 19

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 19th issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains 9 blog posts and one video. There are posts dealing with the topics if agile teams don’t need testers, what a grandma can teach you about programming and automation, a very interesting post from Neil Studd about testing for dark patterns. There is another post about the evolution of the error, a post about mistakes. Another post is describing a leader’s framework for decision making, Mark Miller is writing about great leadear’s serve. A very interesting article from Maaret Pyhäjärvi about on how wait times improved her testing. The last article is from John Stevenson about technical vs. non-technical testers.

Enjoy reading the posts.

Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottAgile teams don’t need testers – They need Quality Coach | Scandinavian Coder

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People in Testing Q&A with Tobias Geyer

Tobias Geyer - Adventures in QAThis time in “People in Testing” I had the chance to interview Tobias Geyer, who is a former colleague and one of my hardest proof readers of my book. Tobias has a very good testing knowledge and is this kind of guy who is catching the really nasty bugs. If you are on twitter you have to follow him @the_qa_guy.

Daniel: Tobias, what is currently your biggest challenge at work?

Tobias: My biggest challenge right now is to get a better understanding of the domain I’m working in to provide a more valuable testing to my team. The application we’re building is not that complex but it deals with the complex AUTOSAR standard. Each new version has a few features which I can test with my current knowledge and a lot of features where a detailed AUTOSAR knowledge is needed.
Luckily there are other people which support us with testing the AUTOSAR features but I’d really love to have this knowledge in the team as well.

What kind of test automation tool are you using during your workday?

Apart from the omnipresent Jenkins server I’m working with JUnit and froglogic Squish GUI Tester.

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Reading Recommendations # 18

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 18th issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains 7 blog posts. There are posts dealing with the following topics. A post about Kolb’s testing cycle, how to improve your test language for automation, 5 qualities to avoid, a tester’s life from Lisa Crispin, a pair testing article from Katrina Clokie, how to provide a native experience with web technologies and a post from Jurgen Appelo about Backlogs are not waste.

I highly recommend to read the article from Chris about “Improving Your Test Language – Automation“, this is a really good one.

Enjoy reading the posts.

Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottKolb’s Testing Cycle

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