People in Testing Q&A with Rudolf Groetz

Rudolf Groetz - Adventures in QAThis time in “People in Testing” I had the chance to interview Rudolf Groetz, who is the founder and organizer of the Mobile Quality Night. Rudolf is Head of QA at JUMIO Inc. with a mobile mindset. He has very good knowledge in the area of mobile testing and especially in mobile test automation. In this interview Rudolf is talking about his current mobile testing challenge, which kind of test automation solution he is using and what is the next big thing in the software development and testing world. Enjoy the interview.

Daniel: What is currently your biggest challenge at work?

Rudolf: For me the biggest challenge at the moment is the ever rising device fragmentation in the mobile world. This problem forces me to constantly adapt our mobile device lab, furthermore I need to check that our app is still working with the latest SDK’s and on new devices our customers are using. For our testing process we are using only physical devices and no emulators or simulators. We have a mobile device lab in our office, if there are devices that are not part of the mobile device lab, we are also using Mobile Device Clouds. Those devices are used for manual as well as automated mobile testing.

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My Testing Tools

Mobile Testing Tools - Adventures in QAIn this post I want to give you some insights in my daily working life as a mobile tester especially which tools I use to test mobile apps. I got ask this question several times while attending conferences or I have been asked via eMail. Which tools are you using for mobile testing. In this post I want to give you the answer to this question.

One remark, the tools I am using in my current project are best for my current situation but this must not be the case for you and your project. Please keep this in mind and don’t just use the tools I am using. This might not be the best fit for your project and your software development environment.

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Appium on Sauce – A new tool for testing your iOS apps in the cloud

Two days ago Sauce Labs introduced a new tool for iOS test automation: Appium on Sauce. Appium on Sauce is able to automate hybrid or native iOS apps. The new tool based on the open source tool Appium written in Node.js. Currently the tool support iOS devices only but Android support is on its way. … Read more

YAATT – Yet Another Android Testing Tool

Thanks to my colleague @the_qa_guy I got the information that there is another test automation tool for Android Apps. The tool is called bot-bot and provide a selenium like test automation for native Android Apps using a capture & replay functionality. The tool is developed by Imaginea and based on the keyword driven approach. bot-bot … Read more

Overview of Mobile Test Automation Frameworks

I found a really nice overview about Open Source Mobile Testing Frameworks for Test Automation. The overview was created by Dominik Dary (eBay). In his table he showed how many test automation frameworks are currently available for Android or iOS testing. The complete blog post can be found here: A big thank you to … Read more