Today I want to write about behavior driven development (BDD) with Cucumber and Capybara. All those things are not new, but since I changed my company I had the chance to learn new frameworks and tools. Before using the tools you need to install them :). For me the installation was kind of nasty because I am working with windows again and the installation is not so easy and comfortable as for linux or mac. The following stuff needs to be installed on your machine (windows):
- Ruby version >1.9.x
- Ruby Gems
- QT4 support for windows. Follow the instructions from here
If the installation is done you should install the following gems with ‘gem.bat install GEMNAME‘
builder, bundler, bundler-unload, capybara, capybara-screenshot, capybara-webkit, childprocess, cucumber, diff-lcs, ffi, gherkin, headless, json, mime-types, mini_portile, multi_json, nokogiri, rack, rack-test, rake, rspec, rspec-core, rspec-expectations, rspec-mocks, rubygems-bundler, rubyzip, rvm, selenium-webdriver, websocket, xpath