Reading Recommendations # 35

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 35th issue of the reading recommendation contains 8 posts. This time there is another great blog post from Katrina Clokie about Continuous Delivery Testing Pathway, which I highly recommend to read. Furthermore there are topics about “QA people are not testers, or are they?”, “Testing Skills – Abductive Reasoning”, “Will my Robot be the first Non-human to gain ISTQB Software Testing Certification?”, “The Future of Management”, “Public Speaking Tips”, “Getting your Guilds going” and “How to Test Mobile Analytics”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me posts that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottKatrina the Tester: Continuous Delivery Testing Pathway

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Mobile Testing with Bug Radar

Bug Radar - Adventures in QAMy colleague Denys Zelenchuk has developed a very helpful Android app called Bug Radar. The main task of this app is to monitor any app that is running on a test device. Whenever the app under test is crashing or not responding (ANR), Bug Radar notifies you about the problem in the notification center and is creating a error report file including the stacktrace and the device info. The report will be saved on the device in the Bug Radar folder and can be send via email for further investigation.

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Win a Ticket to EuroSTAR Conference

Win a free ticket to EuroStar Conference - Adventues in QANovember is coming and with this blog post you have the chance to attend the EuroSTAR conference 2015 in Maastricht for FREE. This year the EuroSTAR conference is packed with lots of great keynotes, talks, active workshops and novices-speakeasy sessions that you should not miss.

There will be software testing experts from around the world who will share their knowledge on topics like:

  • Mobile Testing
  • Communication
  • Gamification
  • Context Driven
  • Test Automation
  • Embedded Testing
  • Test & Quality Management
  • Metrics & Methods
  • Agile Testing
  • Exploratory Testing

Please have a look at the complete program here. During great workshops, coffee breaks and social events you can exchange and share your knowledge with other software testing experts.

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Android Tool for Mac

Android Tool for Mac - Adventures in QA

If you are a mobile tester or a mobile developer you may not have the problem to create screenshots or videos from the current develop state of your app. You will probably use tools like adb for Android or QuickTime for iOS in order to capture a video. However, this is not the case for prodct owners, scrum master, mobile designer or any other non-technical colleague on the project. They may have not installed the mobile development tools like Android Studio or Xcode.

Thanks to my colleague, Daniel Guse, who pointed me to the tool Android Tool for Mac. With the help of this tool it is very easy to capture screenshots or videos from Android applications right from the desktop.

Features of Android Tool for Mac

The tool is offering the following features:

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Reading Recommendations # 32

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 32nd issue of the reading recommendation contains 6 posts. This issue contains again an article from Katrina Clokie about “Accessibility & Usability Testing Pathway”. Katrina collected again very useful information about the topic of accessibility and usability testing. Her post is similar to Mobile Testing Pathway ( which was part of the last reading recommendations. I really like this format and I hope there will be more posts like this.
Furthermore, this issue contains post about topics like “Rhythm of Testing: Hanging with the Cool Kids and Self-worth”, “Software Testing is not for Attention Seekers”, “How a bug in Visual Studio 2015 exposed my source code on GitHub and cost me $6,500 in a few hours” and there is a post from the Google Blog announcing that Android Wear now works with iPhones.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me posts that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottKatrina the Tester: Accessibility & Usability Testing Pathway

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