How to Build Your Own Android Device Cloud

How to Build Your Own Android Device Cloud - Adventures in QA

In this post I will describe how to build your own Android device cloud in the office. You may think this is expensive and will take lots of time and work, but I promise it isn’t. After installing the device cloud you are able to control the real Android devices from your web browser no matter how far you are away from the real device. For all iOS testers and developers out there, I must say sorry, this post is only handling Android devices until know the tool I will use is not supporting iOS. Before I get started with the installation and setup I list shortly the hardware and software I used to setup the whole system.

Hardware and Software

Lets start with the software that is managing the Android devices. The software is called openstf, where STF stands for Smartphone Test Farm. The software is open source and is maintained by Simo Kinnunen and Günther Brunner. STF offers a plethora of really cool features like

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Smartwatch App Testing

Smartwatch App Testing - Adventures in QA

Smartwatches are available since a couple of years and they are becoming more and more important in the wearable industry. In 2015, more than 24 million smartwatches were sold worldwide and this number will likely increase in the next upcoming years. The first editions of the different smartwatches weren’t that mature and offered not that many apps and functionality. However, this might change in the near future and smartwatches can become the next big thing and will extend smartphones and tablets with useful functions. It may happen that you or your company decides to write an extension for your existing Android, iOS app also for the different smartwatch operating systems.

This extension to the mobile apps add more complexity to your environment from a development and testing perspective. In order to handle the new complexity and the challenges this series will help you to understand the different smartwatch platforms and provides you with useful testing ideas to handle this situation.

In the upcoming series I will focus on the following smartwatch platforms:

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The Drawbacks of Being a Mobile Tester

The Drawbacks of being a Mobile Tester

This post is not about mobile fragmentation (f-word) or any other technical challenges that we as mobile tester have to handle in our daily work life. No, this post is about health, our health while we are working all day long with mobile devices and this post should show you the drawbacks of that.

While testing mobile apps our neck and our eyes are under extreme burden. While looking down to the devices our neck is forced into an unnormal position which puts high pressure to our neckbones and may lead to a headache, neck pain or even more back problems.
There is even a term for that problem, it’s called ‘text neck’.

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Behind the Scenes of Hands-On Mobile App Testing

This article was published in the Testing Circus Edition 5 – Volume 6 from May 2015. Today I want to share this article with you on my blog, to give you some insights on how I wrote my book “Hands-On Mobile App Testing”.

It all started in 2010 when I had the opportunity to work on my first mobile project. The mobile team I worked in was responsible for developing a mobile web app, a native Android app and a native iOS app. This was the company’s first mobile project and a completely new testing environment for the quality assurance department. Together with a colleague, I had the chance to build up a mobile testing strategy from scratch. We evaluated several test automation tools to see which one fits best in our software development lifecycle. At that time, mobile testing tools were few and far between, and at a very early development stage. We then tried several testing approaches and tools. Of course we failed with some of them, but in the end the whole team, the company and our customers were happy.

Another reason why I wrote this book was because of my blog I started blogging in 2011 after giving a presentation at the Agile Testing Days in Potsdam, Germany. This was my first talk at a major testing conference and I was the only speaker on the agenda who spoke about mobile testing. After my presentation I was very busy for the rest of the conference as a lot of people approached me to ask about mobile testing, the approaches I use, what kind of tools I use and so forth. The huge interest and the lack of knowledge in mobile testing convinced me to start writing a blog. The goal was to share my knowledge of mobile testing and to exchange views and ideas with other mobile testers, while also improving my written English skills. So far I’ve written about 90 posts covering mobile apps and testing, and I never expected so many people from around the world to take an interest in my blog. The feedback I got so far has been great and it convinced me to take the next step.

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Reading Recommendations # 42

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

It is time again for my reading recommendations. I hope you have already missed them. In the last 3 weeks I was on vacation to recharge my batteries and to think about new blog posts. During that time I was mainly offline and the time was just great! You should try it as well :).
However, now it is time again for some really great software testing content that you should read. The 42nd edition of the reading recommendations contains 6 blog posts with different topics. There is a post about flaky tests, a post from Stephen Janaway is providing a cheat sheet for mobile testing which is really great. Katharina Clokie provided again another great pathway this time with the topic “Testing for Non-Testers”. Other posts are “Bug Automation”, “Why Social Skills Are Trumping Cognitive Skills” and “The 10 Do’s, and 500* Don’ts of Automated Acceptance Testing”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me posts that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Your tests aren’t flaky | WatirMelon This is a talk I delivered at the Google Test Automation Conference (GTAC) on Tuesday 10th November at Google in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I am going to be using the F-word a lot in this talk. Like a lot. I apologize in advance if I offend. You know the F-Word don’t you? Also known as the…

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