Mobile Cloud Testing Services use jailbroken and rooted devices

In my last blog post I wrote about a new Cloud Testing Service for Android and mobile web apps. A few hours after writing this post, I found this very interesting blogpost about mobile cloud testing services and the use of jailbroken and rooted devices. Please read this post and think about it, if you … Read more

AppThwack – Android and Webapp Cloud Testing Service

Another new cloud testing service is available, named AppThwack. AppThwack is currently available for testing Android Apps but will soon provide the possibility to test also mobile web apps on different test devices. See a Sneak Peak in the company blogpost about the web app testing. If you want to test your Android app on different … Read more

OutOfMemory Exception with Robotium – Update IV

If you are using Robotium for test automation your Android app and you have many test cases that must be executed, you may run into an OutOfMemory Exceptions after a certain time of test execution. I have this problem with my test suite. The full test suite consists of around 110 test cases. Besides the … Read more

How XING choose mobile test devices

In my last company blog post I dealed with the topic: “How to choose the right mobile test devices”. In addition to all our mobile test automation, we also do a lot of manual and exploratory testing within our mobile team. We test devices with different hard- and software, with different browser versions, and on … Read more

Mobile Testing Mind Map

I found a really nice mind map about mobile testing from Karen Nicole Johnson Mobile Testing Course. The mind map give a really nice overview of the complexity of mobile testing. Source: Infos about the course: