uTest acquires Apphance

Today the companies uTest and apphance consolidate their services for mobile app testing. See some quotes from the techcrunch article: “uTest will also be using Apphance itself for its own 60,000-strong army of app testers, as well as adding functionality for it to support HTML5, on top of existing support for iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, Kindle … Read more

Robotium, Jenkins and Ant

I think it is time for a new How to/ Tutorial on my blog. Today, I want to give you an overview of how to setup your Robotium test project to build it with the tool Ant. If the project is configured for Ant, I will explain how to integrate it into the continuous integration server Jenkins. With the combination of the build tool Ant and the CI Server Jenkins, you are able to build up your own mobile test automation environment. Written Robotium tests can be executed on schedule or directly after a developer commits new code to the repository.

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Mobile App Testing Link Collection

The guys from http://www.mobileappstesting.com/ provided a nice list of links that cover mobile testing topics. The links are leading to discussions and questions of the website http://www.mobileqazone.com/ where mobile testers exchange on problems and solutions. See the full list in this article: http://www.mobileappstesting.com/mobile-apps-testing-links/ Have Fun!

Overview of Cloud Testing Services for Mobile Apps

Today I found a really nice overview about Cloud based mobile testing service at the blog of mobileappstesting.com. The article give a nice overview of the current state of cloud based testing services. The post explains the different types of clouds and provide some useful questions for QA experts who decide to test in the … Read more

The Essential Guide to Mobile App Testing from uTest

I found a really nice eBook from uTest with the topic “The Essential Guide to Mobile App Testing”. The eBook provides a really good overview of the current challenges of mobile app testing and its future. Everyone who is in the mobile app testing area should read it to get an overview and maybe find some points … Read more