A mnemonic for mobile app testing

Again a big thank you to @the_qa_guy who pointed me to the COP FLUNG GUN created by Dhanasekar Subramanian. The nice mnemonic (overview) of mobile app testing give a good overview of the complexity of mobile app testing. I found the overview of the blog of Adam Goucher who extended the mnemonic with the section of … Read more

Building Test Suites for Robotium

If you have implemented many automated tests with Robotium, you will notice that Robotium is not the fastest tool when it comes to test execution time! Especially in big projects with more than 100 automated Robotium tests the execution time is really long (>1h). For nightly regression testing this is not a problem, but If you want to know if a simple commit from a developer break something, executing the whole test suite is not very efficient. To get a much faster impression of the quality of the last commits, you can build for example a smoke test suite. This suite covers the basic functionality like login, clicking on important entries but not all edge cases, like a full regression test suite will do.

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Belated Happy Birthday Post

Since more than one year, my blog http://adventuresinqa.com is online. During this year I published 38 posts in 10 different categories about QA topics. In total the blog had more than 17.000 visits from all over the world, only a few countries are missing. The top 3 countries are: Besides my blog posts, I also wrote … Read more

Kindle Fire Tablets Pre-Submission Assessment Guide

Today, Amazon send an email to all Amazon App Store developers who have already an app in their store. This email included also a link of a Pre-Submission Assessment Guide where developers find hint and tipps how to test their app for the store. The list is a nice overview of possible things that should be tested during development and before submission. Also a short test example is provided! Good for developers who have no own QA, for QA people this list is not enough ;).

How to Use This Guide

For each app you intend to submit, follow the instructions in each of the following four test groupings and note the behavior. If your app does not pass the assessment criteria listed below, you should fix any of the issues found before submitting your app for final review.

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The new Testing Experience Issue 19 is about Mobile App Testing

Since today the new issue of the testing experience magazine is available. This time the magazine is all about Mobile App Testing. There are a plenty of really good articles about mobile testing. Check it out. Also my article about “Best Practices in Mobile App Testing”.

Table of content:

Mobile App Performance – How to Ensure High-Quality Experiences
by Klaus Enzenhofer

Roadblocks and their workaround while testing Mobile Applications
by Jeesmon Jacob & Mary Tharakan

Main issues in mobile app testing
by Kerstin Knab

Beyond the Smartphone – Testing for the Developing World
by Stephen Janaway

Best Practices in Mobile App Testing
by Daniel Knott

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