How Big Brands Automate Their Mobile Apps

macbook and ipad on desk

Are you working in the mobile development and testing industry? I bet you have asked yourself this question already many times: “How are other companies automating their mobile apps?”. I found a really cool community project, where you can learn all about mobile automation, and it’s done at big brands such as GitHub, Shopify, Google, … Read more

Testing Mobile Apps with a Single Automation Solution

Adventures in QA - Testing Mobile Apps

My summer vacation is over and I am back at writing :). In my last article, I compared test automation frameworks with pros and cons. Today’s article is focusing on the important topic of testing mobile apps. Especially with a focus on mobile test automation and how this can be done with a single automation solution.

Most organizations support both mobile platforms for their product, Android as well as iOS. Both platforms together have a world-wide market share of 98% and therefore it is essential to develop and release the own mobile product on both systems. Sure, there might be products, markets and services that are used more on one of the platforms, but for the majority of companies both platforms are critical for their business.

For those software testers working already in the field of mobile testing hopefully know that both platforms have similarities as well as differences. In both cases this knowledge is key to success, especially when you want focus on the field of mobile test automation. If you don’t know the key differences of the mobile platforms and apps, I recommend to take a look at my book Hands-On Mobile App Testing or at my mobile testing online course A Beginners Guide To Mobile Testing.

Why Mobile Test Automation is Important?

According to user surveys conducted by Arctouch and TechBeacon, more than 50% of mobile app users will uninstall an app after the first usage. One of the main reasons for the uninstallation is an app crash or freeze at the first launch. Furthermore, the surveys found out that mobile users have a much higher expectation to mobile apps than to any other software products. Up to 80% of mobile users will delete an app after the first usage if the design is bad, the app has a poor user experience or is not fast enough.

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Reading Recommendations # 42

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

It is time again for my reading recommendations. I hope you have already missed them. In the last 3 weeks I was on vacation to recharge my batteries and to think about new blog posts. During that time I was mainly offline and the time was just great! You should try it as well :).
However, now it is time again for some really great software testing content that you should read. The 42nd edition of the reading recommendations contains 6 blog posts with different topics. There is a post about flaky tests, a post from Stephen Janaway is providing a cheat sheet for mobile testing which is really great. Katharina Clokie provided again another great pathway this time with the topic “Testing for Non-Testers”. Other posts are “Bug Automation”, “Why Social Skills Are Trumping Cognitive Skills” and “The 10 Do’s, and 500* Don’ts of Automated Acceptance Testing”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me posts that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Your tests aren’t flaky | WatirMelon This is a talk I delivered at the Google Test Automation Conference (GTAC) on Tuesday 10th November at Google in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I am going to be using the F-word a lot in this talk. Like a lot. I apologize in advance if I offend. You know the F-Word don’t you? Also known as the…

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Mobile Testing Lead (m/f) at QualityMinds

Mobile Testing Lead QualityMinds - Adventures in QAAs a mobile testing leader you will be responsible for developing the market strategy for the mobile testing department at QualityMinds.

We are convinced that mobile computing will become a fixture in every software project in the future. That is why we are looking for a new QualityMind, someone passionate about all things mobile-related: devices, apps and the possibilities behind them. In order to handle this multifaceted task, you need to have technical experience and enthusiasm, keep in touch with the newest developments and ideas in the field as well as be prepared to lead your own team.

Your Job

  • helping define and create a new business model
  • preparing market strategy
  • customer acquisition in cooperation with our sales management
  • the most important task: built a team of “mobile freaks”

Your Profile

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