Reading Recommendations # 27

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 27th issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains 7 blog posts. There are posts about the pyramid and the dog-bone revisited. The challenge in providing accessibility, habits for agile testing and a post about custom ViewMatchers in Espresso for Android test automation. Another post is about “Test Levels! Really?!”, “The Dos and dont’s of testing automation” and one post from Markus Gärtner is dealing with “Working in a distributed company”.

Enjoy reading the posts.

Seth Eliot’s Blog » Blog Archive » The pyramid and the dog-bone revisited

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Open Device Labs

Open Device Labs - Adventures in QA

I often see posts on twitter or software testing communities where people asking for help regarding mobile device fragmentation and how to handle all those different devices. Usually my answer to this is, that you don’t need to test on that many mobile devices.

There are several ways to go. One way to go, is to gather user information from tracking statistics of the released app version. If the app is not yet released, statistics from the Web page (if in place) can help to gather information about the target customers and the devices they are using. If this kind of information is available you can start thinking about how to get at least the top 10 – 15 devices of the customers.

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Reading Recommendations # 26

Reading Recommendations - Adventures in QA

The 26th issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains only 6 blog posts. The first one is more an announcement for the CAST2015 live stream which will happen in August and which will be a very interesting testing conference. Then there are posts dealing with the topics of mobile testing and how to create a mobile workshop. Katrina wrote a nice post about this. There is another very important post with the topic “How can open source projects deliver high quality software without dedicated testers”. Another post is dealing with “Sick and tired of losing time with Agile estimation”, the room 101 and about the reality of small scale testing.

Enjoy reading the posts.

CAST 2015 to be Live-Streamed for Testers in August The popular context-driven software testing conference will be streaming its CAST 2015 event live for testers on YouTube.

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People in Testing Interview with Eddy Bruin

Eddy Bruin - Adventures in QAThis time in the “People in Testing” series, I had the chance to interview Eddy Bruin, who is an agile test coach in the Netherlands. Eddy is the co-founder of BUXIT, a community which goal it is to improve products through attention for User Experience.

Daniel: What is currently your biggest challenge at work?

Eddy: I’m currently an Agile coach in a big firm. It’s all pretty new to them and most of the developers are working on the other end of the world. My biggest challenge is coaching these people with the limited facilities we have. Only talking to a phone is hardly enough to create a team spirit and to communicate effectively. The biggest test challenge in this aspect is letting the team realize there are more ways to test besides exhaustive checking while treating the application as a complete black box. Let’s say that every time we change the color of the car the testers want to test the gearbox again.

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AWS Device Farm

AWS Device Farm - Adventures in QA

Amazon announced a new mobile testing service called AWS Device Farm. With the help of this service mobile teams especially mobile testers are able to upload their Android or FireOS app to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud to test it on real Android phones and tablets. The service will be available on 13th of July 2015.
Amazon is using the following slogan to promote the new service:

“Test your app on real devices in the AWS Cloud
Improve the quality of your Android and Fire OS apps by testing them against real smartphones and tablets in the AWS Cloud.”

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