As every year since 2012, the guys from OpenSignal release the Android fragmentation report. The latest report was just published and the results of it are amazing and at the same time really scary if you are an Android developer or Android tester. For the 2015 report, 682,000 devices were surveyed and 24,093 distinct Android devices are on the market. Last year in 2014 there were “only” 18,796 devices available. Within one year the Android device market grew by 5,297 more devices, which is amazing if you keep the new iOS devices in mind. Apple released in 2015 (well 2014) only 4 devices. The iPhone 6, iPhone 6+, the iPad Air 2 and the iPad mini 3.
[Reblog] Scaling Mobile at XING: Platform, Framework and Domain Teams
At XING, my current employer we had to handle some exciting challenges. We had to scale the whole mobile development as well as mobile testing from two small mobile teams (Android and iOS) to the whole software development department at XING. My colleague Alexey Krivitsky wrote a great blog post about “Scaling Mobile at XING: Platform, Framework and Domain Teams” at InfoQ. … Read more