How XING choose mobile test devices

In my last company blog post I dealed with the topic: “How to choose the right mobile test devices”. In addition to all our mobile test automation, we also do a lot of manual and exploratory testing within our mobile team. We test devices with different hard- and software, with different browser versions, and on … Read more

YAATT – Yet Another Android Testing Tool

Thanks to my colleague @the_qa_guy I got the information that there is another test automation tool for Android Apps. The tool is called bot-bot and provide a selenium like test automation for native Android Apps using a capture & replay functionality. The tool is developed by Imaginea and based on the keyword driven approach. bot-bot … Read more

Useful new Android Tool also for QA – Lint

Since the last Android ADT update 16 there is a new tool included called Lint. Lint is able to scan Android projects for potential new bugs! Here is a short list of possible problems Lint is checking: Missing translations Layout performance problems Unused resources Inconsistent array sizes Accessibility and internationalization problems Icon problems Usability problems … Read more

Video: My talk from the Scandinavian Agile Conference is now online

Today, I want to share the video of my talk on the Scandinavian Agile Conference 2012 in Helsinki. The topic was: Mobile App Testing – Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices. Have fun!