Speaking at the iPhone Developer Conference 2013

I will be a speaker at the iPhone Developer Conference 2013 in Cologne. The topic of my talk is “Testing of iOS apps” (talk will be in german). My talk will include general mobile testing challenges, an overview of iOS test automation tools and how to use them. Besides that I will also talk about best … Read more

It’s like 10000 knives when all you need is a Spoon

Isn’t ironic that there are so many Android test automation tools and it took me half a year to stumble up on Spoon?
Spoon is an Android test automation tool that is able to run your written java tests on several devices at the same time WITHOUT rooting the device.
Spoon is developed by the company Square, the company already open sourced some really nice tools (see the Open Source Space).

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Latest updates from robotium

Since my last robotium blog posts, robotium was improved in several areas. Since version 4.0 robotium supports webviews and with version 4.2 robotium provide a full support for hybrid apps. You can use methods like: typeTextInWebElement(By by, String text) waitForWebElement(By by) clickOnWebElement(WebElement webElement) clearTextInWebElement(By by) getWebElement(By by, int index) … Also a great improvement is … Read more

Central place for test tools

Last week the company imbus ag launched a community portal for collecting and reviewing software test tools for different areas. The platform is named Testtool Review and everybody can contribute to this project. Currently there are tool categories for Code- and Coverage Analysis Continuous Integration Defect- and Changemanagement Load-/ Performance Test Test Automation Testmanagement Testspecification/ Generators … Read more

Given When Test

Today I want to write about behavior driven development (BDD) with Cucumber and Capybara. All those things are not new, but since I changed my company I had the chance to learn new frameworks and tools. Before using the tools you need to install them :). For me the installation was kind of nasty because I am working with windows again and the installation is not so easy and comfortable as for linux or mac. The following stuff needs to be installed on your machine (windows):

If the installation is done you should install the following gems with ‘gem.bat install GEMNAME

builder, bundler, bundler-unload, capybara, capybara-screenshot, capybara-webkit, childprocess, cucumber, diff-lcs, ffi, gherkin, headless, json, mime-types, mini_portile, multi_json, nokogiri, rack, rack-test, rake, rspec, rspec-core, rspec-expectations, rspec-mocks, rubygems-bundler, rubyzip, rvm, selenium-webdriver, websocket, xpath

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