[Reblog] How to convince your colleagues to write Automated Tests or why would you use Cucumber as an Automation Tool

Ways of Testing - Cucumber

This post is a reblog from Serghei Moret, who is my colleague at XING. Serghei is an awesome test automation engineer developing really helpful solutions for our mobile app environment for iOS and Android. Lately he started to write on his own blog http://www.waysoftesting.com/. In his first post he is writing about “How to convince your colleagues to write Automated Tests or why would you use Cucumber as an Automation Tool”.

I really like the first post from Serghei and I want to help him spread the word about his blog and about his work and effort he is putting in mobile test automation. If you haven’t seen his blog, check it out.

Here is a short excerpt of the blog, the full article can be found here.

How to convince your colleagues to write automated tests? I think that a lot of people have asked this question and probably already found a dozen of correct and incorrect answers. In this article I’ll try to describe the way, how the automation framework was successfully implemented for several teams in different companies. Also I’ll speak about the reasons why you might use Cucumber in a wrong way. […]

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Given When Test

Today I want to write about behavior driven development (BDD) with Cucumber and Capybara. All those things are not new, but since I changed my company I had the chance to learn new frameworks and tools. Before using the tools you need to install them :). For me the installation was kind of nasty because I am working with windows again and the installation is not so easy and comfortable as for linux or mac. The following stuff needs to be installed on your machine (windows):

If the installation is done you should install the following gems with ‘gem.bat install GEMNAME

builder, bundler, bundler-unload, capybara, capybara-screenshot, capybara-webkit, childprocess, cucumber, diff-lcs, ffi, gherkin, headless, json, mime-types, mini_portile, multi_json, nokogiri, rack, rack-test, rake, rspec, rspec-core, rspec-expectations, rspec-mocks, rubygems-bundler, rubyzip, rvm, selenium-webdriver, websocket, xpath

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