Quality Tools for Android

This week I found the nice github page from Stephane Nicolas named Quality Tools for Android. He provided a sample Android app using several test frameworks, to see how to use them.


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Do it yourself – Build your own mobile cam holder

In the last couple of months my colleagues and I struggled with mobile presentations. We had always two situations/ problems. Either we showed our apps during the sprint review meeting just to the client on the real device and all others could not see what we were presenting. Or we were fighting with HDMI/ VGA cables to connect the device to the projector, but we never get the perfect setup up and runing, so that everyone in the meeting was happy. So we thought about a mobile cam holder for the presentations, where the app is presented on the real device. The installed web cam should be connected to a laptop and the interactions from the device are visible on the projector.

The whole team agreed, that we need such a cam holder. We checked the internet for cam holders to buy, but the solutions we found are really expensive and not what we wanted. So the next logical step was to build our own cam holder.

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Thanks to my former colleague @the_qa_guy, I now know the website http://brokeyourapp.com/. The website is presenting nasty bugs in iOS mobile apps.
BrokeYourAppThe team behind the page is checking and testing random apps from the iOS store and is trying to break them. If they broke the app, they write a bug report with detailed steps, screenshots and videos. The whole report will be send to the developer. The bugs are categorized into

  • Crash
  • Freeze
  • UI Glitch
  • Dead End
  • Vanish

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ExtSolo Library – to extend your Robotium test automation

Today, I found a really nice library extension for Robotium. The name of the library is ExtSolo and stands for Extension Solo. The name stands for itself, it extends the known solo object provided by Robotium.
The library is developed by the guys from bitbar, the company behind testdroid.

If you check the provided API documentation, you find some really useful methods to integrate them into your Android test automation framework. There are methods like:

  • changeDeviceLanguage(java.util.Locale locale)
  • fail(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object e)
  • setGPSMockLocation(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude)
  • turnWifi(boolean enabled)

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CMAP© Certified Mobile App Professional

The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) announced a new certification for mobile app professionals – CMAP© Mobile App Testing – Foundation Level.

The first three pilot courses will take place in February and March in UK and Germany. After the pilot courses, there are already some providers offering the
training to get certified.

CMAP_Pilot Courses(Source: https://www.isqi.org/tl_files/data/images/SIG/CMAP_Pilot%20Courses%20.png)

The syllabus contains the following topics:

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