My Year 2014

Today, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all of you, who are reading my blog and my posts, who comment on them and who share them in different social networks! The year 2014 was a great year for me. Personally it was awesome, I had great time with my family and my … Read more

Mobile Application Testing Webinar with EZ TestApp

Today I found this webinar video from the company TenKod where they explain how to use their product EZ TestApp from scratch to start testing an Android app. This video provides a great overview of the functionality and how it integrates into Jenkins CI. If you are still looking for a mobile test automation solution, … Read more

The World by Screen Size – Mobile Overview Report

Last week I stumbled upon the following tweet by @lukew. The World by screen size… — Luke Wroblewski (@LukeW) November 19, 2014 Where Luke shared a mobile overview report from the company scientiamobile. The report contains some very interesting numbers and information. For example it contains: Different screen sizes used in Asia, North America and … Read more

Black Friday Sale for Hands-On Mobile App Testing

Black Friday is coming and I want to give you guys the chance to buy my book ‘Hands-On Mobile App Testing’ with a 50% discount. The discount is only valid from 28. November – 29. November. Use the following link and get the discount for my book. Note: This link will be active on the … Read more

ilos Mobile Screen Recorder to Record Mobile Bugs

ilos_logo1A couple of posts ago, I blogged about “How to File Mobile Bugs“. One part of this post was a screen recorder video that can be attached to a bug report in order to provide more useful feedback to the developers.  If you search the app stores for screen recorder apps you will find lots of them offering recording features. However, nearly all apps require a rooted device in order to use the screen recording function but using a rooted device for mobile testing is not recommended.

With Android 5 (Lollipop) the situation has changed. Android 5 is offering an API for the developers to add screen capture capabilities within an app without rooting the device.

One of the first companies who provide a mobile screen recorder that requires NO device rooting is ilos. ilos is providing an Android and iOS app. However, only the Android app can be used to record the current screen to capture bugs in your app. The iOS app is only able to get access to already taken videos from your account. As soon as Apple provide such a feature in iOS ilos will also offer the screen recording feature for the iOS version.

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