Reading Recommendations # 88

Reading Recommendations

Long time no read for you and writing for me. I spend the last 2 month with my family and not in front of a computer screen to enjoy the life (almost 😉 ) outside of the technology world. However, now I am back relaxed and with new ideas in my mind to share them with you in the upcoming days and month. I want to reactivate my blog with my known reading recommendations. In one of the next posts I will present you the results of a survey I created some months ago. So stay tuned and have fun with my reading recos.

The 88 issue of my reading recommendations contains 7 very interesting blog posts and one book recommendation (which I will read soon, too). The are topics about “Session Based Testing in Agile/DevOps Environments”, “The Interview Roadshow”, “Does certification have value or not?”, “A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps – by Katrina Clokie”, “THREE FREE PROGRAMMING COURSES FOR TESTERS”, “(Live) slow connection mobile testing”, “Ready, Tester One? GO!” and “We’re getting worse at testing”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Reading Recommendations - Session Based Testing in Agile/DevOps EnvironmentsSession Based Testing in Agile/DevOps Environments – Tales of Testing

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Reading Recommendations # 87

Reading Recommendations

The 87 issue of my reading recommendations contains 6 very interesting blog posts. The are topics about “Cake, Coffee and some POT”, “Who are these ominous “testers”?”, “Mobile Testing Tools”, “A Tester’s Journey: Select Your Team”, “How often you should run your automation” and “Confidence’s Role in Software Testing”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Cake, Coffee and some POT - Reading RecommendationsCake, Coffee and some POT – Tales of Testing

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Reading Recommendations # 86

Reading Recommendations

The 86 issue of my reading recommendations contains 7 very interesting blog posts and one YouTube video form the last weeks which I really enjoyed reading after my vacation. The topics are “TESTS GETTING SLOWER?”, “Headless testing with Google Chrome”, “Postman cheat sheet”, “30 Second APIs…”, “Stupidity – More Than A Feeling”, “HOW TO SELL QA TO HIGHER-UPS” and “Beyond the Agile Testing Quadrants”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.


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Reading Recommendations # 85

Reading Recommendations

The 85 issue of my reading recommendations contains 6 very interesting blog posts form the last weeks which I really enjoyed reading after my vacation. The topics are “Introducing testers to developers”, “Getting started on a testing project”, “3 ways to get in shape for Continuous Testing”, “How production bugs killed small business.”, “Said you’re running out of time…..” and “Testing Zombie – Are you becoming one?”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Introducing testers to developers - Reading RecommendationsKatrina the Tester: Introducing testers to developers

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Reading Recommendations # 84

Reading Recommendations

Long time no read. Well, I spent the last 3 weeks being on vacation from my day to day job and from the Internet itself. I wasn’t completely offline, but I reduced my time on twitter and other social networks and it was a great time reflecting my work and spending 100% of my time with my wife and son. I can highly recommend you to do the same. I already plan a longer absence around August and September this year 🙂 But let’s get back to the reading recommendations. The 84 issue of my reading recommendations contains 7 very interesting blog posts form the last weeks which I really enjoyed reading after my vacation. The topics are “Manipulating the test data”, “Pairing For Learning – Across the Team”, ” Test Coaching Competency Framework”, “Where do our flaky tests come from?”, “You Say Test I Say Check. On We Go.”, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” and “Lessons learned in leading Testing CoP”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Manipulating the test data - Reading RecommendationsManipulating the test data – Mobile Automation Testing Once I started to work on a terrible project. Where all the possible mistakes were done. But I’m really thankful that it has happened, because now I know how the project shouldn’t look like. One of the learning that I took from this situation is that you should do the proper data management. The test…

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