How To Run Mobile A/B Testing Experiments?

Mobile A B Testing - Adventures in QA

Imagine you and your team just a released a redesign of the login section of your software product. Shortly after the release you notice that the numbers of newly registered users dropped almost to zero. But why? Is it because the change of the register button to a register link? Or is it the new naming of the register element?

Maybe this kind of changes should have been tested before with an A/B test.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing in the context of digital software products gives a team the power to test and compare ideas like in a science experiment with real users. With the help of A/B testing new features or a redesign of an app can be tested against real customers, without letting them know. Almost everything can be tested with an A/B test. For example a color change of UI elements, a change in the navigation pattern, different texts or even whole app sections.
To start with A/B testing it’s recommended to define a strong hypothesis.

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A Beginners Guide To Mobile Testing is Live

A Beginner's Guide to Mobile Testing - Daniel Knott

About a month ago I wrote the following blog post about my mobile testing online course “A Beginners Guide to Mobile Testing” powered by Ministry of Testing. The complete course is now live at In total the course is 1h 30mins long and will teach you the fundamentals of mobile testing. Please take a closer look … Read more

Mobile Testing Techniques to Know

Mobile Testing Techniques

“It works on my machine,” is probably the most frequent comment a software tester will hear from a developer once a bug has been reported. An expected reply from a tester would be, “Then back up your system. We need to deliver it to our customers, because our product is only working on your system.” We … Read more

[Reblog] iOS Calabash Launcher for MacOS

This is a reblog, of my blogpost iOS Calabash Launcher for MacOS from I want to share the post with you, because it might be of interest.


Today, the XING mobile releases team want to give something back to the Open Source community. At XING, using Open Source software in our projects is natural. For our mobile apps (iOS and Android) we use Calabash to write end-to-end automated checks, to verify that the user flows are covered before going live. For those people who worked with Calabash for iOS and Android they know that it’s sometimes really hard to define screens, to detect the ID as well as the text behind an element. The default Calabash installation provides a console based element inspector, which makes it not easy to work with. Furthermore, the default installation from Calabash doesn’t offer any visual device detection, test execution, element inspection or setup possibilities.
But this will change today! We are proud to Open Source our Calabash Launcher.

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