The Essential Guide to Mobile App Testing from uTest

I found a really nice eBook from uTest with the topic “The Essential Guide to Mobile App Testing”. The eBook provides a really good overview of the current challenges of mobile app testing and its future. Everyone who is in the mobile app testing area should read it to get an overview and maybe find some points … Read more

Mobile Cloud Testing Services use jailbroken and rooted devices

In my last blog post I wrote about a new Cloud Testing Service for Android and mobile web apps. A few hours after writing this post, I found this very interesting blogpost about mobile cloud testing services and the use of jailbroken and rooted devices. Please read this post and think about it, if you … Read more

Video: My talk from the Scandinavian Agile Conference is now online

Today, I want to share the video of my talk on the Scandinavian Agile Conference 2012 in Helsinki. The topic was: Mobile App Testing – Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices. Have fun!