Tap Into Mobile Application Testing by Jonathan Kohl

Mobile mobile mobile is everywhere! If you are in the field of mobile app testing you maybe want to read the book “Tap Into Mobile Application Testing” from Jonathan Kohl (@jonathan_kohl). Jonathan gathered lots of very interesting topics about mobile app testing. His book ist currently in a beta phase! If you buy the e-book … Read more

Video collection of the mobile testing summit 2012

Today I found a youtube video collection of the mobile testing summit that took place this year in San Francisco (1st Nov. 2012). The Mobile Testing Summit is a 1 day event organized and hosted by Sauce Labs (http://saucelabs.com). For those who missed the summit, check out the nice video collection on youtube! Topics: iOS … Read more

A mnemonic for mobile app testing

Again a big thank you to @the_qa_guy who pointed me to the COP FLUNG GUN created by Dhanasekar Subramanian. The nice mnemonic (overview) of mobile app testing give a good overview of the complexity of mobile app testing. I found the overview of the blog of Adam Goucher who extended the mnemonic with the section of … Read more

Belated Happy Birthday Post

Since more than one year, my blog http://adventuresinqa.com is online. During this year I published 38 posts in 10 different categories about QA topics. In total the blog had more than 17.000 visits from all over the world, only a few countries are missing. The top 3 countries are: Besides my blog posts, I also wrote … Read more

The new Testing Experience Issue 19 is about Mobile App Testing

Since today the new issue of the testing experience magazine is available. This time the magazine is all about Mobile App Testing. There are a plenty of really good articles about mobile testing. Check it out. Also my article about “Best Practices in Mobile App Testing”.

Table of content:

Mobile App Performance – How to Ensure High-Quality Experiences
by Klaus Enzenhofer

Roadblocks and their workaround while testing Mobile Applications
by Jeesmon Jacob & Mary Tharakan

Main issues in mobile app testing
by Kerstin Knab

Beyond the Smartphone – Testing for the Developing World
by Stephen Janaway

Best Practices in Mobile App Testing
by Daniel Knott

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