Software Test User Group Event in July

Some weeks ago I founded the Software Test User Group Rhein Main. Today is the time to announce the first meetup. We will meet in the office of AOE GmbH in Wiesbaden on 18. July 2013. Address: Borsigstr. 3 65205 Wiesbaden Start: 7pm End: ~10pm If you need more information, see the official XING event. … Read more

36 Days of Web Testing by Robert Lambert

A couple of days ago I found the ebook from Robert Lambert (@Rob_Lambert) “36 Days of Web Testing”. The book is free and covers testing topics like: – Cross Browser – Multiple tabs – Browser extensions – URL changing – … The book is a nice overview and provide lots of useful hints and tips … Read more

[News] Founded the Software Test User Group Rhein Main

Last week I founded the “Software Test User Group Rhein Main – STUGRM” for all people who are interested in the topic of software testing, quality assurance or software development in general. My goal is, to meet and to exchange about testing topics on a regular basis in the region of Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz or … Read more

Top 10 Mobile Application Testing Automation Tool Requirements by Brian MacKenzie

First, Happy new year to everybody! The year has just started and I want to continue writing posts about mobile and testing in general. During my vacation I found this really interesting blog post from Brian MacKenzie “Top 10 Mobile Application Testing Automation Tool Requirements“. This post is a really good summary of the requirements, … Read more