2 years of Blogging

Today is the second birthday of my blog http://www.adventuresinqa.com! During this time I posted 61 articles about software testing and mobile test automation. I had nearly 40.000 visits from around the world and this number is getting bigger every day! When I started this blog two years ago, I never thought that there will be so … Read more

Testing Experience (DE) – Mobile App Testing

Since last week the latest issue of the german testing experience magazine is available. This time the with the topic “Mobile App Testing”. I just read a couple of articles and they are really good. If you are in the mobile business, you should read this issue.

Testing Experience DE - Mobile App Testing

The following articles are in the magazine:

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How to improve your mobile testing skills

In the last couple of months I was asked by several people how I improve my mobile testing skills. The mobile world is changing quite fast and you have to keep the pace, if you want to be a good and up to date mobile tester.

I recommended to read lots of QA related blogs, read QA books, follow the right people on twitter, try new mobile testing tools at home or at work (if you have the time) to get a broader knowledge in the mobile area. Another thing I recommended was to do new things (be creative while testing), try new testing techniques or just try to break the app in a crazy way. Furthermore I recommended another way of improve the own skills. Use as many apps as possible from different categories to see how apps are developed and how they behave. Besides using them, the important thing is, check the update texts of the apps! Do not just install the latest version of the app, read before installing the app. Some app developers are really precise in what the new version of the app is all about. Which nasty bug was fixed, which new feature is developed and so on.
If there are bug fixes described, don’t install the new version, instead try to reproduce the bug and see how to get this bug to life!

Here are some examples of apps that descibed very well, what was fixed:

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How Google tests mobile apps

Today I found a really interesting blog post by the Google+ team and how they test the Google+ app for iOS and Android. In this post Google describes their mobile testing strategy. The team created 5 general rules, which they follow during the development and testing the Google+ app.

The rules are:

  1. Understand the platform. Testing on Android is not the same as testing on iOS. […]

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