XCTest and OCUnit on real devices in the cloud

Yesterday, I read the latest blog post from AppThwack, that they now support real iOS devices on their test cloud. Developers and testers are now able to run their automated XCTest or OCUnit test suites against the provided cloud with more than 46 iOS devices, from iPhone to iPad. The big advantage of having the OCUnit … Read more

First official Testathon

One of my morning rituals is to check my favorite feeds and blogs about cool new stories, ideas and to be up to date in the tech and testing world. While reading through the feeds, one word made me curious. The word was Testathon! I never heard that word so far. So I click the word/ … Read more

Testing Experience (DE) – Testautomatisierung

The new issue of the german Testing Experience is available. This time the magazine topic is test automation.

Find some really interesting articles about:

  • Testautomatisierung auf dem Vormarsch
  • Testen als Karriere
  • Entwickler entdecken UI-Testing
  • Am Anfang stand das Wort
  • Given When Test

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UPDATE: The state of testing – A survey

A couple of weeks ago the guys from Tea Time with Testers and QA Intelligence started a survey with the topic – The state of testing. Today the final results are available. The result contains some pretty interesting numbers. Checkout the results here. Post from Dec. 3, 2013: The guys from Tea Time with Testers and … Read more