My YouTube Channel is Online – Software Testing

Today, I want to share some exciting news with you. Over the last weeks and months I was thinking what to do next in the field of content creation for the software testing industry. I am a blogger since 2011, I am a book author since 2014 and I have published many articles around software testing on various blogs. Furthermore, I gave talks at different conferences and recorded some podcasts. However, writing is still one of my passions, but I want to try out something new. Therefore, I decided during the Christmas break, to take a next step and try out something new. I am going to start a YouTube channel about software testing 🎉.

This is exciting for me, because I never did some proper video recording and editing. I want to take this learning opportunity to grow my skill set and at the same time to share some information and knowledge with you, the testing community.

📺 YouTube Channel – Software Testing

So what is my channel all about? Software Testing. The idea is to share information and knowledge around different topics within software testing. I outlined some potential areas and topics to talk about, they are:

  • How to get started in testing
  • How to get a job in testing
  • Testing techniques
  • Tools and automation in testing
  • Testing Leadership

The main goal for me with this YouTube channel is, that I want to talk freely about software testing, what I like about it (what I hate about it) and what I learned over the past +12 years in the industry. I want to share my knowledge with you and I hope the channel is of interest to you 😀.

You can find the channel here. It would be awesome if you subscribe to it and share the information with our community! I am already preparing the first videos to share them with you soon.

Here is the channel trailer video and what this channel is all about.
