Reading Recommendations # 90

The 90 issue of my reading recommendations contains 6 very interesting blog posts with topics about “The missing link between testing and automation”, “What is Agile Testing?”, “RiskStorming – Mapping Risks with TestSphere”, “Community Boss So Far”, “Recruit People, Don’t Fulfil Roles” and “How I Learned to Build a Test Suite”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Reading Recommendations - The missing link between testing and automationThe missing link between testing and automation – Mr.Slavchev The missing link between testing and automation – Mr.SlavchevI think there’s a missing link between testing and automation – we simply are after different goals. Read and find out where we fail to align.

Reading Recommendations - Evil Tester: What is Agile Testing?Evil Tester: What is Agile Testing? The Evil Tester’s Guide To Agile
Reading Recommendations - RiskStorming - Maping Risks with TestSphereThat’s the buffet table.: RiskStorming – Mapping Risks with TestSphere
Reading Recommendations - Community Boss So FarCommunity Boss So Far
Reading Recommendations - Recruit People, Don't Fulfil RolesRecruit People, Don’t Fulfil Roles
Reading Recommendations - How I Learned to Build a Test SuiteHow I Learned to Build a Test Suite


Thanks for reading, re-tweeting and sharing my reading recommendations every week! If you have any kind of blog post, podcast or video that is worth sharing with the software testing community, send me the URL either via comments, twitter or mail and I will add it with a mention of your name to my reading recommendations.
