It’s time to give back

Dear testing community, it’s time to give back. Yesterday, late evening I saw the following tweet from Kristoffer Nordström a fellow tester of our awesome testing community.

Kristoffer and his family are currently going through a nightmare, that no one can imagine and no one should ever go through. His little daughter Linnea is suffering of DIPG and she needs a special treatment to survive! If you know Kristoffer, you know that he is an awesome member of our testing community helping our craft to get more attention and to bring it forward. If you don’t know Kristoffer, take a look at his LinkedIn profile.

In order to help his little daughter, Kristoffer created a fundraiser on to collect donations in order to be able to pay the treatment for his little daughter.

I would like to ask all my readers, if you can donate some money, even if it is 1€, 1$ or any other small amount, it will hopefully help the family to reach the fundraising of 110.000€. If you can’t give something to the family, please retweet or share this post or the link of the fundraiser directly:

I really hope we, as a community can give something back!

Thank you all