It’s happening again. The guys from QA Intelligence and Tea Time with Testers are running The State of Testing Survey 2017 again next year. In the last survey from 2016 more than 1,000 software testing professionals took part in the survey. With the huge success and the great insights into the software testing community the goal for the 2017 survey is to reach even more people around the world. Therefore, Joel Montvelisky contacted me and ask for support in spreading the word about the survey. I supported the survey since a couple of years now and I love to announce the next upcoming survey also here on my blog.
Please visit the State of Testing 2017 page and subscribe to the newsletter to get the exact date when the survey is online, which will be in January 2017.
I am really looking forward to the survey and the results. I will be part of the survey and I hope you will be, too