The year 2016 was yet another awesome year for me. Not only from a professional point of view but also from a personal one. Maybe you have noticed that I wasn’t blogging a lot since August this year :). Well, this has one awesome reason. I became a dad in August and since then I spend my free time mostly with my wife and my son to enjoy every minute. However, from a blogging and professional point of view the year was great, too. This year my book Hands-On Mobile App Testing has been translated into german, which is really really great. I published a new eBook about Smartwatch App Testing on leanpub and I gave my first keynote at a conference.
If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know that I love to share insights of this blog and to provide a blog review of the past year (see 2015 here). Since a couple of month I also share on a monthly basis numbers of my blog, like in this tweet:
Almost 5000 page views and more than 2500 unique visitors on my blog in October. Thanks for reading. #servicetweet
— Daniel Knott (@dnlkntt) November 1, 2016
Before I go into details, I want to say THANK YOU to all of my readers. Thanks for reading my blog from time to time, to leave a comment and to share my posts with other people. Still, the feedback I get for this blog is great and just awesome and motivates me to continue producing content on a regular basis. I will try to keep up the pace for 2017 ;-).
- Published Smartwatch App Testing eBook on leanpub
- German edition of my book Hands-On Mobile App Testing was published in September. Title: Mobile App Testing
- Media Partner of EuroStar Conference
- Gave 3 conference talks (first keynote), some meetup talks and 2 webinars. More here.
Blog Review
As last year, I want to share some numbers and highlights with you.
- +34.000 unique visitors (+32.000 in 2015)
- +73.000 page impressions (+65.000 in 2015)
- I wrote 79 blog posts (104 posts in 2015)
- 234 comments has been written by you (140 comments in 2015)
- Since the start of the blog in 2011, more than 230.000 page impressions where triggered.
Top Posts
- Mobile Testing Cheat Sheet
- How to stress test your Android app with monkey
- Powerful ADB commands for Android Tester
- 10 Mobile App Testing Mistakes to Avoid
- 30 Days of Testing Challenge
Top 5 Countries
My top readers are coming from:
- India
- Ukraine
- Germany
- Russia
As you can see, besides the top 5 countries almost the whole world was visiting my blog since I started it in 2011, which is just awesome!
Thanks again for the amazing year 2016. I wish you and your families merry christmas and a happy new year and I hope to “see” you in 2017.