Reading Recommendations # 64

The 64 issue of my reading recommendations is fully packed with 8 very interesting blog posts and a video about Selenium 3. Thanks to all the bloggers out there writing the great content. This issue include the topics: “Test engineering”, “Applying software design patterns to your test automation code”, “API Testing – Getting Started with SoapUI – Assert.This”, “The danger of the technocrat tester”, “Recreate Building Quality in with Distributed Teams”, “The importance of testability, or how to avoid the nastiest xpath selector known to mankind”, “Flaky Tests at Google and How We Mitigate Them” and “Let’s Test 2016”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

When you have finished reading the recommended blog posts think about leaving a comment. The author of the blog will love to see your comment and it will start a nice discussion about the topic that may help others to understand the topic even more.

Test engineering - Reading RecommendationsTest engineering | jaffamonkey

Applying software design patterns to your test automation code - Reading RecommendationsOn Test Automation | Applying software design patterns to your test automation code
API Testing – Getting Started with SoapUI - Reading RecommendationsAPI Testing – Getting Started with SoapUI – Assert.This
The danger of the technocrat tester - Reading RecommendationsThe danger of the technocrat tester
Recreate Building Quality in with distributed teams - Reading RecommendationsRecreate Building Quality in with Distributed Teams
The importance of testability, or how to avoid the nastiest xpath selector known to mankind - Reading RecommendationsThe importance of testability, or how to avoid the nastiest xpath selector known to mankind
Google Testing Blog: Flaky Tests at Google and How We Mitigate Them - Reading Recommendations Google Testing Blog: Flaky Tests at Google and How We Mitigate Them
Return to Runö – Let’s Test 2016 - Reading Recommendations Return to Runö – Let’s Test 2016

Thanks for reading, re-tweeting and sharing my reading recommendations every week! If you have any kind of blog post, podcast or video that is worth sharing with the software testing community, send me the URL either via comments, twitter or mail and I will add it with a mention of your name to my reading recommendations.
