Reading Recommendations # 52

Welcome to the 52th edition of my reading recommendations! Since one year I am reading and collecting interesting posts about software testing, software development and sometimes posts that are not dealing with the main topics but may be of interest for you, too.

The anniversary edition contains 9 interesting blog posts with various topics that might be of interest for you and one youtube video which shows an awesome mobile automation robot. There are posts with the following headlines “Test Automation Sells”, “A bug that thaught that we’re implementing too much”, “Why We Struggle with Change”, “Testing Trapeze February Edition”, “Can we stop saying we break software”, “The new Testing Conference”, “How blogging can improve your testing”, “Do You Actually Know What Your Automated Test Is Doing?” and “The Importance of Acceptance Criteria”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Test Automation SellsTest Automation Sells | Hello Test World Somewhere I saw a statement that testing today is about 25% of IT budgets with a tendency to increase. Not sure if that’s true but even half of that is a lot of money. So of course managers and financial controllers are looking where they can eek out any spare $s. Because testing and quality…

A Seasoned Tester's Crystal Ball: A bug that taught that we're implementing too muchA Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball: A bug that taught that we’re implementing too much
Setting the date to 1 January 1970 will brick your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch Why We Struggle with Change : zen habits
Setting the date to 1 January 1970 will brick your iPhone, iPad or iPod touchTesting Trapeze Magazine February Edition
Can we stop saying we break software?Can we stop saying we break software? – Assert.This
The New Testing ConferenceThe New Testing Conference | James Bach’s Blog
How blogging can improve your testing?How blogging can improve your testing? – Mr.Slavchev() I had my third year anniversary of blogging soon, so I decided to share some thoughts on how blogging is useful for your testing career.
Do You Actually Know What Your Automated Test Is Doing?Adventures in Automation: Do You Actually Know What Your Automated Test Is Doing?
The Importance of Acceptance CriteriaThe Importance of Acceptance Criteria – Daniel Donbavand Acceptance Criteria help build the product right while building the right product


Thanks for reading, re-tweeting and sharing my reading recommendations every week!
