This is the first post in 2016 related to mobile testing and I think that new and interesting mobile testing challenges will come up this year for all of us. We all know that mobile apps are becoming more and more important for nearly every section of our lives and that the mobile market is still on the rise. More and more apps for smartphones, tablets and smartwatches are coming to the market to solve any kind of problem for the mobile user.
However, many mobile apps are still not well developed and tested and sometimes it is very hard to remember all those important areas during our testing activities. In order to change that, I created a mobile testing cheat sheet which you can use to print out and to stick it to your office walls to not forget important areas while developing and testing your mobile app. Maybe the mobile testing cheat sheet will help you and your colleagues in the daily app development business.
The mobile testing cheat sheet contains various areas that are really important in order to submit a high quality app to your customers.
Mobile Testing Cheat Sheet
The mind map contains 32 sections that you and your team should consider while the development and testing phase. There are areas such as:
- Battery
- Standby
- Accessibility Testing
- Interrupts
- Permissions
- Gestures
- Beta Testing
- Security
- Sensors
- Mobile Networks
and many more.
You can download the mobile testing cheat sheet by clicking the mind map image for free.
If you miss any kind of area or topic in this mind map use the comment feature of this post and let me know. I am also looking forward to your feedback on the mind map. From time to time I will update the mind map to add or replace topics that are important.