Reading Recommendations # 23

Times flies, it is already Wednesday and it seams the summer break is coming. The 23rd issue of my software testing reading recommendations contains only 6 blog posts. Nevertheless, the 6 post I mention this week are worth reading and are dealing wit the topics: The 5s Methodolgy of Testing, how to perform your own lean mobile usability testing and how to blog while testing, an experiment of a way to test. There is another post dealing with the hot topic of recruiting users for user testing and there are 2 posts dealing with the same topic on how to use sounds during testing. Richard and Maik where talking about this topic on the community and both decided to write a blog post about it :).

Enjoy reading the posts.

Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottTesting the Waterhouse: The 5s Methodology to Testing

How to Perform Your Own Lean Mobile Usability Testing | UX Magazine
A Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball: Blog while testing, an experiment of a way to test
Curious Tester: Recruiting Users for User Testing
Friendly Tester: Tail Log File And Play A Sound When Keyword Hit
How to incorporate your ears to check log files | A Testers Odyssee

If you have some interesting posts to share them here at the reading recommendations, don’t hesitate to contact me or to comment on this post.
