Reading Recommendations # 22

It is Wednesday again and the 22nd issue of my software testing reading recommendations is available with 8 recommended blog posts. There are posts dealing with the topics: Introducing the Software Testing Cupcake a new anti-pattern which I highly recommend to read. There is a post with the topic “Lessons learned on avoiding testing” which is also very interesting. Furthermore, there are post about talking on conferences and what a blogger learnt from it. How to mock the current mobile device location with testmunk. How to improve quality and syntax of your Android code. A post about good and bad disruption, a post about a new theory of distraction and a last post which is dealing with white box testing vs. black box testing.

Enjoy reading the posts.

fabio-cupcake-new1_0Introducing the Software Testing Cupcake (Anti-Pattern) | ThoughtWorksI believe that the Testing Pyramid is one of the best analogies to help a team develop a strategy for writing tests in a reliable and scalable manner. I have used it many times, and have found its application to be immensely helpful.” name=”description

Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottA Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball: Lessons learned on avoiding testing
Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottTalking at conferences: What have i learnt?
Testing Location Mocking on Android Devices (Open Source) | Testmunk Blog Automated mobile app testing on real iOS and Android devices using calabash automation framework.
Reading Recommendations Daniel KnottHow to improve quality and syntax of your Android code Introduction to automated tools to improve quality of the code of an Android application.
Good Disruption / Bad Disruption | Digital Tonto The question is not whether disruption itself is good or bad, but disruption in the service of what?
A New Theory of Distraction – The New Yorker Joshua Rothman on Matthew Crawford’s new book, “The World Beyond Your Head: Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction.”
White Box Testing Vs. Black Box Testing A casual analysis of app testing tends to break it down into main categories — black box testing and white box testing.

If you have some interesting posts to share them here at the reading recommendations, don’t hesitate to contact me or to comment on this post.
