It is Wednesday again and the 22nd issue of my software testing reading recommendations is available with 8 recommended blog posts. There are posts dealing with the topics: Introducing the Software Testing Cupcake a new anti-pattern which I highly recommend to read. There is a post with the topic “Lessons learned on avoiding testing” which is also very interesting. Furthermore, there are post about talking on conferences and what a blogger learnt from it. How to mock the current mobile device location with testmunk. How to improve quality and syntax of your Android code. A post about good and bad disruption, a post about a new theory of distraction and a last post which is dealing with white box testing vs. black box testing.
Enjoy reading the posts.
Introducing the Software Testing Cupcake (Anti-Pattern) | ThoughtWorksI believe that the Testing Pyramid is one of the best analogies to help a team develop a strategy for writing tests in a reliable and scalable manner. I have used it many times, and have found its application to be immensely helpful.” name=”description | |
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A Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball: Lessons learned on avoiding testing | |
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Talking at conferences: What have i learnt? | |
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Testing Location Mocking on Android Devices (Open Source) | Testmunk Blog Automated mobile app testing on real iOS and Android devices using calabash automation framework. | |
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How to improve quality and syntax of your Android code Introduction to automated tools to improve quality of the code of an Android application. | |
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Good Disruption / Bad Disruption | Digital Tonto The question is not whether disruption itself is good or bad, but disruption in the service of what? | |
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A New Theory of Distraction – The New Yorker Joshua Rothman on Matthew Crawford’s new book, “The World Beyond Your Head: Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction.” | |
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White Box Testing Vs. Black Box Testing A casual analysis of app testing tends to break it down into main categories — black box testing and white box testing. | |
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If you have some interesting posts to share them here at the reading recommendations, don’t hesitate to contact me or to comment on this post.