Since a couple of years every laptop has at least one sticker on its lid. Stickers became very popular in the tech industry and every developer, designer, product manager or software tester has stickers on the back of the laptop. Either to show which company they are working for or which tools they are using or just to decorate them.
I have also several stickers on my laptop lid, mainly mobile related ones. Just yesterday, I had the idea to create my own sticker to spread the word about my book. I came up with 4 versions and I want to ask you guys for some feedback. Three stickers are showing the text “KEEP CALM and Perform Hands-On Mobile App Testing” but every version has some slight differences. The fourth sticker is showing “Eddy”, a bug carrying a mobile device (I draw him myself).
Which version do you like most? Please leave a comment. I am looking forward to them.
And here are the sticker prototypes.
My Testing Sticker
Version 1: Just Text
Version 2: Text + Mobile Device
Version 3: Text + Eddy
Version 4: Just Eddy
My very own testing stickers arrived today.