Since May my book is available in the printed edition in different online and offline stores and I got lots of great feedback from readers. Just this week a very cool package arrived with some free copies of my book that I can use to give away to other people. Some of the copies are already on its way to people who supported me during the writing and inspired me over the last few years.
However, today you have the chance to win a copy of Hands-On Mobile App Testing in the printed edition. Two copies are available for winning. All you have to do is to leave a comment with the best mobile bug you have ever found on a mobile device. It doesn’t matter if the bug happens on native, hybrid or web apps.
Please leave the comment until 30th of June 2015 at this post. After that date I will pick the two winners, inform them, ask them for their shipping address and will sign each book with a unique signature.
I am really looking forward to your comments!