State of Testing Survey 2015

State of Testing Survey 2015Maybe you remember the state of testing survey from 2013, where software testers from around the world participated to get the current state of the software testing world.

In this survey more than 600 software testers answered the questions and made this survey a great success. The results from the last survey can be found here.

And now it is again time for the survey of 2015. In a couple of days, at the 22nd of January the survey will be online and I want to raise the awareness to all people who are involved in the software testing business to participate in this survey.

If you like to contribute to this survey and to spread the word about it, you can either blog, tweet or talk about it. To get more information about it visit the survey page and send the survey team a message to ask for more information.

The page also contains a link to a subscription page to not forget to participate. To subscribe click here.

I just added the date to my calendar and I am looking forward to the survey.

