Today, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all of you, who are reading my blog and my posts, who comment on them and who share them in different social networks! The year 2014 was a great year for me. Personally it was awesome, I had great time with my family and my wife. In a professional way it was awesome, too. To give you some insights about my blog, I want to share some numbers with you.
As you have seen, my blog reached quite a lot of people from around the world. I got great feedback from developers, testers or product managers to keep up the blog and to provide more content related to mobile testing.
This great feedback supported and motivated me, to publish my book “Hands-On Mobile App Testing” in October 2014. The feedback I got about the book was also really good and motivated me even further to work in the mobile testing business and to share my knowledge with the community to support you guys on this topic.
The book release was my personal professional highlight for this year. Working on the book was fun, hard and sometimes really annoying :), but overall it was a great experience.
To give you a short forecast of 2015, I am already a speaker at TestBash 2015 in March to provide the community with a 2h workshop on mobile testing. I am a speaker at the Test Automation Day in Rotterdam in June. Furthermore, there are 2 other announcements for 2015 that are confidential, but as soon as there are for the public, I will share them here!
That’s it for 2014! I hope to see you all in 2015 on my blog.
I wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year.
Happy Testing