Slides from the Mobile App Europe Conference

Today (29/09/2014) is a sad day for me, because  the Mobile App Europe conference in Potsdam/ Berlin has started and I can’t attend because of sickness. I was really looking forward to attend the conference as a speaker and as a attendee, to talk to so many great people from the mobile app business but now I can’t :(.

The Mobile App Europe conference was not just a normal conference for me, no it was something special. I had the chance as a program chair to help the great organizers to setup the program, that you guys now can enjoy. I really hope you enjoy the talks and that you will learn something new.

In the last couple of weeks I worked a lot on my slides and I don’t want to hide them from you. I just uploaded them to slideshare. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. Get in contact with me, or write a comment to this post.

In the slides you will also find my latest project ;), that will be available in the next couple of weeks.

Have fun and enjoy the conference!
