Maybe, you already heard about the Mobile App Europe conference, which will take place in September 2014 in Potsdam/ Germany.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I had the chance to be one of the program chairs to build up the program for this conference. Building up the program was lots of work but it was a great experience to look behind the scenes and it was fun to work with the other program chairs. I am very proud of the program and I am really looking forward to the conference this year.
Besides that, I am also a speaker at the conference and due to that, I can offer you an additional 10% discount on the ticket price. If you are fast enough, you can combine the 10% together with the current early bird (until end of June, 2014) and you will save up to 400€ on the ticket price.
If you are interested in attending the conference, get in contact with me via: daniel [at] adventuresinqa [dot] com.
Find the registration here.
See you in Potsdam!
Happy Testing!