This week I found the nice github page from Stephane Nicolas named Quality Tools for Android. He provided a sample Android app using several test frameworks, to see how to use them.
“The idea is that Android programming is still in its infancy compared to the Java world. The Android community needs more robustness in Android apps and it looks like a good idea to build on the Java world experience and use its best tools for Quality Analysis.”
Here are some tools, frameworks and configurations that are already integrated:
- easymock
- espesso
- mockito
- mockwebserver
- robotium
- fest-android
- robolectric
- spoon
- Lint, PMD, checkstyle, findbugs, …
- gradle settings
See the complete list on the github page. Stephane also provided a short “How to”, for every tool. I really like the overview of different Android testing tools and the effort Stephane put into this page.
See also one of his presentations on speakerdeck.
Have fun!
By Daniel Knott