Appium on Sauce – A new tool for testing your iOS apps in the cloud

Two days ago Sauce Labs introduced a new tool for iOS test automation: Appium on Sauce. Appium on Sauce is able to automate hybrid or native iOS apps. The new tool based on the open source tool Appium written in Node.js. Currently the tool support iOS devices only but Android support is on its way.
Appium uses Selenium commands and map these commands into a format for UIAutomation. It uses the WebDriver JSON Wire Protocol to drive UIAutomation.
Sauce Labs says, the tool requires no recompiling or modifications on the app you want to test. Tests can be written in any programming language and testing framework using the Selenium API. Appium on Sauce needs no setup and no maintenance. Tests can be run in parallel across several machines in the cloud. CI support is also included.

Appium on Sauce
Appium on Sauce

Currently the tool is only available by invitation to see if the environment is stable enough to handle many users and apps in parallel. For me this tool looks very promising and we will see how well it can be used.

See Appium on Sauce in action:
