Today I found a youtube video collection of the mobile testing summit that took place this year in San Francisco (1st Nov. 2012). The Mobile Testing Summit is a 1 day event organized and hosted by Sauce Labs ( For those who missed the summit, check out the nice video collection on youtube!
- iOS Driver for Native Apps
- Sikuli for Mobile Testing
- Intro to Bwoken
- Calabash: Cross-Platform, Automated Acceptance Testing for Mobile Apps
- Shared Cross-Platform Tests with Frank
- Lightning Talks!
- Closing Lightning Talks & Remarks by Jason Huggins
- Opening Keynote by Jason Huggins
- Mobile First: Rebuilding Facebooks’s engineering and testing for mobile
- Eideticker & Orangutan: Measuring real-world browser performance
- Settings Apple’s UI Automation Free wit Appium
- iOS Automated Testing with Calabash: Tips and Tricks
- MOET: Mobile End-to-End Testing
- iOS Automation with iPhone Driver
- Automating Firefox OS: One Solution to Rule them All
Have fun!