🧑🏻‍💻 About Me

Daniel KnottHi, my name is Daniel Knott and I love digital products with high quality. Since 2011, I am the blogger of this blog and write posts about software testing, mobile testing, product management and any other kind of interesting topics around software development. If I find the time, I am also a speaker at different conferences. An overview of my publications can be found here.

I have more than +16 years of professional experience as Head of Engineering, team lead, lead software tester and product manager in software development projects from different industries. Check my LinkedIn profile for more information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-knott

In 2014, I published my first book about mobile testing. The title of the book is “Hands-On Mobile App Testing“, which is available in 2 languages – English and German. Since May 2022, the book is available in the 2nd edition and is available at leanpub.com. In the beginning of 2016, I released a new eBook called “Smartwatch App Testing” which is available at https://leanpub.com/smartwatchapptesting.

In case you want to contact me as a content creator for your products, speaker, article contributor or in any other case, please send a message to

daniel [at] adventuresinqa [dot] com

Apps I’ve worked on:

Get in Contact via my Social Profiles:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dnlkntt

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-knott

XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Knott