Reading Recommendations # 58

The 58th edition of my reading recommendations. This time the edition contains 6 interesting blog posts with various topics that might be of interest for you. There are topics like “When Product Management Goes Wrong – Part 2”, “Repetition in testing “, “How to Address Flaky Tests”, “Put down the pitchforks and pick up a keyboard”, “The 9 Coaching Roles” and “How to lose $172,222 a second for 45 minutes”. This episode has a nice mixture of testing, product and coaching posts.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

When Product Management Goes Wrong – Part 2 – the DinosaurJonathan Kohl | When Product Management Goes Wrong – Part 2 – the Dinosaur

Repetition in testingRepetition in testing | A Priori
How to Address Flaky TestsHow to Address Flaky Tests
Mob Programming: Put down the pitchforks and pick up a keyboardMob Programming: Put down the pitchforks and pick up a keyboard Together with my colleague Oli Wennell, I recently gave a talk at the BGL Technology Conference in Shoreditch, to communicate our team’s love of mob programm…
The 9 Coaching RolesThe 9 Coaching Roles | Growing Agile
How to lose $172,222 a second for 45 minutespython sweetness — How to lose $172,222 a second for 45 minutes How to lose $172,222 a second for 45 minutes

Thanks for reading, re-tweeting and sharing my reading recommendations every week! If you have any kind of blog post, podcast or video that is worth sharing with the software testing community, send me the URL either via comments, twitter or mail and I will add it with a mention of your name to my reading recommendations.
